Saturday, May 23, 2015

Simulaatio 2015

This weekend, I participated in the awesome Simulaatio 6 demoparty. Here is my contribution to the short wild competition (max. 45 second running time):
It's the spiritual successor to yyyy yy yyyy (ff fff ffff). The music is by my friend zax. Of the binary releases above, Linux 64 bit is what I developed on, and is the only one verified as working (by me and another user). If you try the builds for other platforms, let me know.
I drew inspiration from WOWGREAT, a cool blog that features abstract, geometric art, often done with Processing. I wanted it to show two ideas: a field recording soundtrack and a graphical style of painter's algorithm without canvas clearing. I thought there were too few productions where the buffer is not cleared every frame. It makes for a neat effect, reminiscent of classics, such as shadebobs. Different blending of the elements would be a possible avenue of development.
It placed #4 out of 12 in the compo.

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